Examination of State-Trait Anxiety Levels of Smoking Students Preparing for University Exam During the Earthquake
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Purpose: This study was conducted to examine the state-trait anxiety levels of students who were preparing for the university exam and were smokers during the earthquake.
Method: The study was conducted with 130 people who were preparing for university and smokers who experienced the earthquake in Elazığ Sivrice, the epicenter of which was on January 24, 2020 at 20:55 local time. Data were collected from individuals using the "Individual Information Form" and "State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI I-II)". The obtained data were analyzed with the SPSS 25 program.
Results: It was determined that the state anxiety levels of male subjects and the trait anxiety levels of female subjects included in the study were high. Those who had no idea about the effects of smoking on health had significantly higher trait anxiety levels than others. It was determined that there was a positive and low-level significant relationship between state anxiety and trait anxiety. It was found that the effect of the state anxiety level on the trait anxiety level was significant.
Conclusion: The study concluded that the level of state-trait anxiety is high in individuals who smoke and have earthquake experience and are preparing for university. It is thought that organizing training programs and prioritizing rehabilitation studies can be effective in preventing and/or reducing anxiety that may develop in individuals after an earthquake and developing effective intervention methods to cope with anxiety.
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