About the Journal

E-ISSN: 3023-8161

Anatolian Journal of  Mental Health

Anatolian Journal of Mental Health is an open-access, international, peer-reviewed, academic journal that publishes research articles, review articles, clinical notes, research notes, letters to the editor, commentaries, conference reports, book reviews and abstracts in the field of mental health.
Anatolian Journal of Mental Health facilitates multidisciplinary collaboration among psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, psychologists, and other professionals providing direct or indirect services in the field of mental health, stimulates discussion on clinically or socially relevant topics, and provides information on existing or new practices around the world to improve patient and caregiver problems.

Publication languages are Turkish and English. Published in two issues (March and October) online and open to public access. There may be special or additional issues.

Content published by Anatolian Journal of Mental Health is preserved/archived electronically using the PKP Preservation Network (PN), LOCKSS and CLOCKSS.