Examining the Effect of Cyberchondria on Fear of the Dentist
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The aim of the study is to determine the effect of cyberchondria, a digital technology problem, on dentist fear. The population of the study consists of students from Yozgat Bozok University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Health Management, who receive service from any Oral and Dental Health Hospital. The random sampling method, one of the probability sampling methods, was used in the sample selection of the study. The sample of the study consists of 200 individuals who agreed to fill out the survey. The data of the study was collected with a survey form consisting of three parts. The first part of the survey form includes the socio-demographic information form, the second part includes the dental anxiety and fear scale (IDAF – 4C+), and the third part includes the cyberchondria scale. Descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis and difference analyzes (Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis) were used to analyze the data. In the study, it was determined that cyberchondria had a positive effect on IDAF-4C+. In addition, it was determined that there was a positive significant relationship between cyberchondria and IDAF-4C+ and its subscales. As a result, individuals who exhibit high levels of cyberchondria may tend to report high levels of fear and anxiety regarding dental visits and procedures. This highlights the detrimental impact of seeking health information online on mental health. Additionally, targeted interventions are needed to address cyberchondria-induced dental fear among college students.
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