Examination of Nursing Students' Breast Cancer Fear Levels and Affecting Factors Nursing Students and Breast Cancer Fear

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Introduction: Fear of breast cancer and factors affecting this fear are effective in breast cancer early diagnosis behaviors.

Objective: The study was conducted to examine nursing students' breast cancer fear levels and affecting factors.

Method: The study was conducted among students in the nursing department of a university between January and March 2018.

The sample consisted of 205 nursing students. Data were collected with a descriptive information form and breast cancer fear scale. Independent samples t test, Mann-Whitney U Test, Analysis of Variance, Kruskall Wallis Analysis were used to analyze the data. Permissions for the study were obtained from the ethics committee, institution and participants.

Results: In the study, the breast cancer fear level of nursing students was found to be 38.61±6.87. There was no significant difference between the students' breast cancer fear scale total score averages according to their grades, income levels, family types, family history of breast cancer, and frequency of BSE (p<0.05). A significant difference was found between the breast cancer fear scale total score averages according to self-breast examination status (p<0.05).

Conclusion: As a result, it was determined that the smell of breast cancer was high and fear was affected by self-breast examination. Interventional nursing studies are recommended.

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How to Cite
Ersin, F. (2024). Examination of Nursing Students’ Breast Cancer Fear Levels and Affecting Factors: Nursing Students and Breast Cancer Fear. AnatolianJournal of Mental Health, 1(2), 40–49. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13765910



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