English Use of Artificial Intelligence in Psychiatric Nursing and Ethics

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Musa Paça


Artificial intelligence is a technology that can fulfil tasks that require human intelligence, providing significant developments in various fields such as health. While the use of Artificial intelligence in medical applications offers advantages such as early diagnosis and personalized treatment plans, it also brings ethical issues such as data security and privacy violations. The integration of Artificial intelligence in the field of psychiatric nursing improves nurses' therapeutic relationships with patients, while at the same time supporting their clinical decision-making processes. However, for the effective use of Artificial intelligence in this field, nurses should be trained in Artificial intelligence technology and ethical guidelines should be established. Integration of Artificial intelligence into mental health services can improve the healing process of patients by supporting the personal skills of nurses. In conclusion, the use of Artificial intelligence in psychiatric nursing in a broader and ethical framework may improve the quality of mental health services.



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How to Cite
Paça, M. (2024). English Use of Artificial Intelligence in Psychiatric Nursing and Ethics. Anatolian Journal of Mental Health, 1(2), 14–22. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13765900



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