Promotion and Prevention of Mental Health in Early and Preschool Age: Status and Future Directions
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Introduction: Mental health problems occur in early and preschool age, and numerous researches consistently confirm the high prevalence of emotional and behavioral problems of children enrolled in preschool education in developing and transition countries. Despite the significant prevalence of mental health difficulties and problems in the population of children of early and preschool age, as well as to the importance of applying promotional and preventive interventions, the worrying fact is that a small number of children and their parents receive timely systemic support and intervention, especially within the framework of formal preschool education.
Objective: The aim of this paper is to provide a synthesis of knowledge in the field of promotion and prevention of mental health in early childhood and preschool period in order to identify pedagogical recommendations and priorities for future research.
Method: Using the method of content analysis, a qualitative analysis of the program of promotion and prevention of mental health of children of early and preschool age was carried out. By searching for the key descriptors "mental health", "preschool age", "early childhood", "mental health promotion" and "mental health prevention" in the ERIC, PubMed and Google Scholar bases data published in the period from 2014 to 2023, the research sample was determined (N=15). The basic categories of analysis in the selected research are: target population, level of prevention, description and structure of the program, research sample, methodological design and key research results.
Results: The results of the qualitative analysis suggest the following pedagogical implications: (1) it is necessary to pay more attention to the promotion of children's mental health, especially to the promotion of socio-emotional competences of users of the community programs and resources; and (2) education and training of parents and educators about the components of children's mental health should be integrated into preschool education programs. In future research, the focus should be directed towards expanding the evidence about the scientific and practical effectiveness of the program, as well as its relevance for the users of the program themselves.
Conclusion: The analyzed programs have the potential to promote positive psychological and social well-being of children and to prevent mental health problems.
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