Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Publication and Authorship

Anatolian Journal of Mental Health is an online, international, double-blind peer review, scientific, academic, open to public access journal. Journal's publishing language is Turkish and English. Published in three issues (March, October) online and open to public access. It may publish special or additional issues.

Author/authors are solely responsible for ethical and biostatistical aspects of each study. Anatolian Journal of Mental Health cannot be held responsible for any of these.

For all types of articles sent to our journal, authors must comply with the Anatolian Journal of Mental Health's "Author Rules" and all conditions in the journal. In addition, authors accept and declare that they have transferred all publication rights of their publications to the Anatolian Journal of Mental Health indefinitely as of 2025.

Anatolian Journal of Mental Health has all copyrights of the articles accepted to publish.

Editors, Reviewers and Other Parties

Considering the conflicts of interest between our editors, referees, other parties and the publisher, all parties in Anatolian Journal of Mental Health accepts and declares that they have transferred all their rights to Anatolian Mental Health indefinitely and gratuitously in order to ensure that the publication process of the studies is completed independently and impartially. All rights of Anatolian Journal of Mental Health belong to its publisher (Principal owner/concessionaire). Our editors, referees and other parties cannot claim any material and moral rights from the publisher (Principal owner/concessionaire). They accept and declare all duties gratuitously on a voluntary basis.

Otherwise, they can resign from editorial, refereeing and other duties after notifying the publisher (Principal owner/concessionaire) in writing. They cannot make any claims for the period prior to the notice of resignation.

Our editors, referees and other parties accept and declare that they comply with all the conditions in Anatolian Journal of Mental Health and transfer all kinds of copyright/material/moral rights to Anatolian Journal of Mental Health indefinitely and gratuitously.

Open Access Policy

Anatolian Journal of Mental Health is an e-journal that is open to public access. Open access policy is based on the rules of Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) . By open access, it is implied that all users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print and search whole texts and give link to them, and that the journal is free for public use on the Internet.


Anatolian Journal of Mental Health accepts all terms and conditions of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) regarding plagiarism policy. Flowcharts and workflows determined by COPE regarding plagiarism are embraced.

All articles sent to Anatolian Journal of Mental Health to be published are checked by using Turnitin / iThenticate software. Anatolian Journal of Mental Health studiously demands and reviews all plagiarism reports from authors for their articles sent. The similarity rate of the articles sent to our journal should be below 20%. Articles that are determined having plagiarism in the first stage of evaluation are denied and not considered for publishing.

Ethical Principles

Anatolian Journal of Mental Health editorial committee embraces the criteria of (ICMJE), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in terms of ethical principles.

All authors must contribute significantly to the research. Authors are responsible for subjects such as plagiarism, forgery, falsification and false authorship. In case of detecting any of those, the article is rejected. An article that is in the evaluation process cannot be sent to another journal or published. The author is responsible for uploading the document and information on the system that are asked for the studies that require ethical committee permission. Our journal makes authors obliged to identify the ethical committee that approves the research.

Scientific studies must comply with International Declaration of HelsinkiUS Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects and European Medicines Agency Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice  and our journal expects authors to comply with these standards.

Studies Requiring Ethical Committee Approval:

  • Clinical studies conducted on humans,
  • All sorts of researches conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require collecting data from participants by using surveys, interviews, focus groups, observation, experiment and interview methods,
  • Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data,
  • Researches on animals,
  • Using humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or scientific purposes.


  • Stating that "Informed Consent Form" is received for case reports,
  • Getting permission from the owners and stating while using scales, surveys and photos of others,
  • Stating that copyright regulations are applied for the use of intellectual and artistic works.

Article Withdrawal Policy

Preliminary Evaluation Stage: The articles at this stage can be withdrawn by the author(s).


Reviewers Evaluation Stage: Authors who want to withdraw the article and publish it elsewhere for reasons such as a delay in the evaluation process of the sent article, etc. may withdraw from the journal with a written application and the approval of the journal editor board of this application.

After Article Acceptance: After the article's acceptance, the requests of the authors to withdraw the article are rejected. In addition, after an article is accepted for publication, authors will not be allowed to leave the article.