The Psychiatric and Criminal History of Family Members of Persons Applying for A Gun License Should Also Be Questioned
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Dear Editor,
Upon examining the recent surge in women applying to our hospital's health board, we found that men with criminal records or psychiatric disorders, which could hinder their ability to obtain a license, often resort to using their wives or other women as intermediaries to obtain firearmThe purpose of this letter is to draw attention to the importance of questioning the psychiatric and criminal history of not only the applicant but also the family members of the applicant who live with him during the gun license application process.
The significant increase in firearms acquisition poses a significant threat to public health and safety and requires serious measures in this regard. Observations made show that evaluating only the applicant's personal history in gun license applications is insufficient. In particular, the fact that men with criminal pasts or psychiatric illnesses cannot directly obtain a gun license and that these people try to obtain weapons indirectly through their spouses will create a serious social security problem. Investigating the backgrounds of family members living in the same residence is of great importance in terms of social security and preventing violent incidents. Legal regulations to be made in this direction can make society safer and prevent the misuse of weapons.
Best regards,
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