About the Journal

E-ISSN: 3023-8161

Anatolian Journal of  Mental Health is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, academic, open access and online journal.

Publication areas: All areas that in relationship with mental health

Publication Topics: 

Diagnosis, treatment, care and rehabilitation of mental illnesses/problems,

Protecting and improving mental health or preventing mental diseases/problems,

Family and/or community mental health,

Child/adolescent mental health,

The impact of gender or cultural dynamics on mental health,

Publication language: Turkish and English

Publication period: Two issues per year (June and December)

Publication type: Research article, reviews, case report, letter to the editor, research note, abstract or book critic.


Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Anatolian Journal of Mental Health
					View Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Anatolian Journal of Mental Health
Published: 13-06-2024

Full Issue


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