The Concept of Sleep Hygiene in the 19th Century and Recommendations for Sleep Quality

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Burak Saytekin
Eymen Ekmen


Sleep, which constitutes a large part of the lifespan, has attracted people's attention throughout the ages; thinkers in various cultures and times have produced studies about the mystery of sleep and tried to reveal the relationship between sleep and health. This subject, which attracted much attention in the 19th century, became more scientifically and experimentally examined thanks to the developments in physiological measurement towards the end of the century. However, before it reached scientific maturity, studies on sleep were written in the first half of the same century. In addition to covering sleep disorders such as sleepwalking and insomnia, these studies also include information about whether sleep is necessary for living things, how much, and how to sleep. It is possible to define the concept of 'Sleep Hygiene,' which emerged in the context of this information and is frequently used in the titles or contents of works, as a set of recommendations for better sleep quality. In the article, in the context of the 19th century, studies on sleep produced by physicians such as William Whitty Hall and Robert Macnish were mentioned, as attitudes towards sleep research and claims about what a healthy sleep should be like, in other words, how to ensure 'sleep hygiene,' were examined.

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How to Cite
Saytekin, B., & Ekmen, E. (2024). The Concept of Sleep Hygiene in the 19th Century and Recommendations for Sleep Quality. Anatolian Journal of Mental Health, 1(1), 39–44.


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